Visual Basic Programming Versus Visual C Sharp

Motivations to utilize Visual C#
There are a couple of valid justifications to utilize Visual C# before VB:
You will discover learning C# quicker than learning VB on the off chance that you know Java or C++.
There's less composing included (VB commands are commonly shorter)
There are somewhat more models on the Internet to do with Visual Basic than there are to do with C#.
Then again, there are loads of reasons why you ought to utilize Visual Basic, recorded beneath.
Motivations to utilize Visual Basic
This is certainly not a complete show (you can see the blog connected to underneath for a full discussion). However, it's a decent starter.
Most importantly, Visual Basic commands are simpler to peruse. Consider these two commands:
On the off chance that txtProduct.Text = "", Then txtProduct.Visible = False
on the off chance that (txtProduct.Text="") { txtProduct.Visible = False }
Which appears to be more intelligible to you? I'm full for the first without fail. VB includes additionally composing. However, the Intellisense furnished with Visual Studio makes this more endurable, and the following code is much simpler to peruse.
I don't care for about C# as the prerequisite to putting a semi-colon on each command's finish. It merely is not a characteristic activity.
However, most noticeably terrible of everything is C#'s insistence that a variable isn't something very similar to a VaRiAbLe. Everything is case-delicate, which makes it unquestionably more probable that you will make mistakes. There truly is no rhyme or reason for this other than legacy programming inheritance.
Notwithstanding every one of these things, there are loads of little niggles: the switch administrator isn't as simple to use as the VB SELECT CASE same, you can't redimension clusters effectively, and discretionary contentions were just introduced with Visual C# 2010.
So my conclusion would be if you have a free hand (and there likely could be valid justifications why this isn't the case), utilize Visual Basic. If, then again, you have a group of C or Java legacy developers who demand using a language with case-touchy factors, at that point, let them utilize Visual C#.
At last, in the.NET structure, everything compiles down to something many refer to as the CLR or Common Language Runtime, so it doesn't make a difference over which language you use. Please don't accuse me when you continue spelling factors in the various case or passing up a significant opportunity semi-colons from the finish of your commands. What's more, watch those curly brackets!
See More: C Sharp Vs VB NET – Which one Is Best