C Sharp Vs VB NET – Which one Is Best

I have heard a decent number of engineers discuss the variations identifying with C# and VB.NET. The typical recommendation is this: Visual Basic engineers should learn VB.NET and C++ and Java developers ought to learn C#. Many express that one is simpler to learn compared to the next. Some others actually claim C# is a touch more effective and VB.NET isn't object-arranged.
I, then again, don't concur with these feelings.
To comprehend my way of thinking, we should make a couple of strides back through history. There had been the point at which a fight was pursued among C++ and Visual Basic engineers. They were two absolutely distinct dialects that had been created to use altogether various libraries. C++ was noted for its object-situated capabilities while Visual Basic was recognized for its fast application advancement (RAD) potential. C++ engineers needing to move to Visual Basic would have a tough challenge to become familiar with an alternate language, new arrangement of libraries, and new advancement climate. Visual Basic designers would face identical issues acing C++.
At the point when Microsoft created the.NET stage, they created various dialects (for example C#, VB.NET) which are proposed to offer the exact same object-situated concepts and utilize exactly similar arrangement of libraries. C# is syntactically equivalent to C++ and Java (closer to Java than C++) though VB.NET looks like Visual Basic. Be that as it may, while linguistic structure is remarkable the libraries are shared, so C# engineers and VB.NET designers are building applications on a similar stage. That implies that C# software engineers are capable of doing nearly everything a VB.NET designer can do less a couple of highlights and vice versa.
This returns us to the first issue - which one would it be advisable for you to learn? The appropriate response is both. In the event that you know C#, you could progress to VB.NET in a couple of hours by just knowing the sentence structure. Something very similar is valid for VB.NET engineers hoping to progress to C#. In the event that you ace one of the dialects there is no explanation you would not have the capacity to get familiar with the other. As a side note, C# software engineers are compensated about 7% more dependent on a recent overview, yet that is potentially because of the mien that I've quite recently discussed and I envision that divergence will dissipate over the long haul.
My last piece of advice is to simply focus on the fundamentals. Comprehend object arranged concepts (encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism) just as you can. Figure out how to construct an application through and through (not base to top). On the off chance that you can undoubtedly observe the different components of a multi-layered architecture you'll consider the to be as a gathering of components rather than simply a heap of punctuation and code. Presently you'll see an application with a more extensive perspective and you'll before long understand that gazing at the better purposes of C# versus VB.NET is a minor piece of a much bigger riddle.
See More: Switching to Visual C Sharp Programming From Visual Basic